10x14 10x14 10x14 10x14
10x14 10x14 10x14 10x14

Base Price- $3,919.00


  • Siding- Dark Grey
  • Trim- White
  • Shingles- Charcoal

Options Included

  • 5' Ramp- $150.00
  • 2 gable vents- $40.00

Check or Credit Card

  • With options included $4,109.00 plus tax


Option 1


$83/month1 for 65 Months2

Total to pay $5,310.03

  1. Monthly payment is based on purchase price along excluding taxes (and delivery charges). Credit purchases subject to credit approval. Other transactions may affect the monthly payment. Ask for details.
  2. Subject to credit approval. Ask for details



Suggested Monthly payment $343/mo1  for 12 Months2

Total to pay $4,109

Making the suggested monthly payment each month would pay the purchase amount by the end of the promotional period.

Rent To Own

  • $172.00 plus tax for 48 months NO CREDIT CHECK

FREE delivery of up to 20 miles from Bloomsburg lot

Contact Mike or stop in at 

389 Montour Blvd. Route 11

Bloomsburg, PA


